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PTO Meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Elementary Cafeteria  

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Like us on Facebook:  Harper PTO

Join our Facebook Group:  Harper Horns PTO


Executive Board 2022-2023 School Year

Roxsan Odum - PTO President

Brittany Hutto - PTO Vice President

Ashley Dominquez - PTO Secretary

Christa Singleton - PTO Treasurer

Kenessa Matlock - PTO Member at Large

Mrs. Jennifer Moody, Elementary Principal

Mr. Jay Harper, Middle School Principal

Mrs. Julie Fiedler, High School Principal

Mrs. Bonnie Stewart, Superintendent


What is the Harper PTO?

To promote the welfare of children in the home, school and community.

To bring into a closer relationship, the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of our children.

To develop between educators and the general public, such united efforts as will secure for all children, the highest advantages in academic, physical and social education.



1. To provide funds to benefit all students throughout their HISD education.

2. To limit the amount of fund raising events so as to not create a burden on the parents, teachers, and supporters--as well as the students of our District.

3. To provide cost effective fund raising events that allow teachers to concentrate their efforts in the classroom.
4. To distribute funds for educational purposes.


Major Accomplishments:

  • New elementary playground equipment (balls, jump ropes, etc.)
  • Campus wide picnic tables for lunch and outdoor learning
  • Funding of field trips, teacher grants, student clubs and activities
  • PTO Sponsored Family Events (Walk-A-Thon, Harper 5K, Movie Nights, Family Fun Nights)
  • HWAT T-shirts and prizes
  • Books for Library (Fall and Spring Book Fairs)
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation, $100 Staff Jump Start MiniGrant
  • Contributed to on campus Sign/Poster printer
  • Microscope and dissecting lab equipment for biology
  • New rugs for Kindergarten classes
  • Kindergarten field trip to Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch
  • 6th grade history artifacts project
  • Library movie licensing
  • All school science assembly - David Hagerman
  • PTO scholarship award
  • All A's and Perfect Attendance field trips
  • PTO sponsored Staff Christmas shindig
  • Staff Christmas HEB gift cards
  • Volleyball/Basketball concessions
  • Senior Class T-shirts due to COVID
  • Teacher lunch treat during COVID  shutdown for homeschool prep



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OfficeMax - Click here to return to the home page.

Office Max Perks Rewards Send in your receipts and we will enter the code to earn FREE Cash for our school!

"Recycling - INKY is looking for INK, Glue Bottles and Glue Stick empty containers and Cell Phones – PTO recycles ALL types of used ink and toner cartridges for funding for our school. Drop boxes located in High School and Elementary entrances."

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