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Virtual Field Trips

Any time you are interested in participating in a virtual field trip, if you need help finding something appropriate, let me know and I will find it for you.  In my research, here are a few I have found that might spark an interest!

For fun, keep a map and pinpoint your virtual journeys with your classes!  Let’s see how far you travel by the end of the year.  

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Mrs. Lake and Mrs. Burns' classes attending a virtual field trip on poetry.


Upcoming Virtual Field Trips…

 ...for Significant Events and Holidays


Holidays Around the World Virtual Field Trip with Google Earth


Constitution Day

Tour the 9/11 Memorial

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

  • Exhibits including Fossils, African Voices, Geology Gems and Minerals, Mammal Hall, Bones, Mummies, Insect Zoo, Butterfly Exhibit and much more!

Plymouth Plantation

The Statue of Liberty

The Lincoln Memorial

Fire Engine

NASA Space Shuttle

Visit with Authors

  • This webpage lists authors that will skype with your classes.  Check it out!

Veteran’s Day

  • An interview with a Tuskegee Airman.

Meet Me at the Corner…

  • Meet Me at the Corner is a website full of online videos and resources for all ages.